motherhood Mentorship Sessions



There are uncountable bumps along the road in parenthood.

You don’t have to navigate them alone.


What is a motherhood mentorship session?

Mentorship sessions are hour-long, one-on-one conversations to discuss and help you move through the complexities of parenthood.

From the physical, emotional, and mental toll of motherhood to partnership difficulties, grief, fear, and complete bafflement - a mentorship session can help you through it all.

With compassionate listening and gentle guidance you will leave with new validation, resources, and confidence to move forward no matter what you are facing in parenthood.

You were not meant to shoulder all the burdens of motherhood alone.

For over 290,000 years, new mothers were surrounded with mentors - experienced mothers, wise women, childcare, and more - so they could learn how to navigate the complexities and difficulties of parenthood in community.

You deserve access to support, wisdom, and resources.

Mentorship sessions help you:

  • Understand and process the difficulties you are facing in motherhood

  • Feel empowered in your actions both in motherhood and in life

  • Validate your experience and find resources to help

  • Learn new ways to approach the complexities of parenthood

  • Find the support and community every parent deserves

The benefits of a mentorship session reach through you and into your entire family.

Let’s make your motherhood better, together.